See our new Digitarium SkyBox for offsite streaming or development.

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第五届OTEC创业大赛全球总决赛_直播_直播访谈_千龙网:本届大会包括创业大赛、创新峰会、创业发布、创业成果展、国际创业聚、海创中国行、海归招聘会等内容。 众“创新改变世界” 为主题的创新峰会众及“给世界带来无限机会”的创业大赛全球总决赛将于8月18至20日举办。8月19日(周六)下午13:30-18:30,千龙网将对第五届OTEC创业大赛全球总决赛 ...

Scroll down to learn why.

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Our innovations are grounded upon a unique blend of technical expertise and real-world astronomy education experience. Many of our staff have overseen planetariums and we operate an on-site fixed planetarium for our local community. We know what's important, and what works.

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Have questions or need help with your system? Dedicated US support staff can assist you by phone or email.

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Our quality is unmatched by any competing products. Our proprietary fisheye lenses are a competitive advantage, with sharp focus, high contrast, and minimal color separation.

We design our lenses, our own simulation software, our own system frames and enclosures, our own 能用的v*p*n, even our own dome duffel—because nothing else out there meets our standards.

And with our reasonable prices you don't have to settle for anything less.

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Our unique Digitarium remote control and 求一个免费能用的vp iPad or desktop interfaces are the easiest to learn and use. Spend more time focused on your students rather than your system.

Our portable systems take only minutes to set up and take down so that you can spend your time where it is most effective.

Excellent usability minimizes operator training costs and makes use a joy rather than a headache.

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No other systems come close to matching our unique combination of usability, features, projection quality, product support, and affordable pricing.

A lot of systems sound great on paper, until you actually try to view the distorted and fuzzy projection, or use an intimidating nested pulldown menu interface. We recommend that you talk to other planetarians you trust before making a decision, and if at all possible try out competing systems in person.

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Learn more about our fixed and portable planetariums from Digitalis.

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